I told you there would be more portraits of Morea! On Monday, my wonderful coworker (and always willing victim) chopped off 10 inches of hair for Locks of Love. Her hair grows like a weed, seriously... averaging more than a 3/4 inch a month. So, I had to capture her cute new 'do quickly, before it morphed into something else.
Also, we've (Milestones) rented a Canon L Series 85 f/1.2 lens for the week, so I had to test that out a bit. Nice lens for portraits... but, not sure if it fills our needs. It has a REALLY slow automatic focus and it weighs a ton.
Hey there Britta! Love your pictures, keep a spot open this summer for Tena. Because we want you to take her pictures for graduation!
I like the new blog header! have a great weekend!
These are all really nice. I dig the sun glasses one the best. Great haircut. Great pictures.
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