Kris on our little adventure


"See Ya!" (Kris off to discover new and foreign lands!)

Chelsea & Kris, dancing Junior High Style

Alicia thinking really, really, hard about her next Rummy-Cube move

Despite my one tile, I still lost.

I know my vegan friends are going cringe at this one, but Adam was really proud of his first pheasant catch. Plus, look at Zeus the dog.

Kris and G'pa Tony.

Fun Elizabus time!

I think Alicia got a huge kick off the Elizabus. Who wouldn't?

Alicia, Samantha and Chelsea... Charlie's Angels: The cooking addition!
Thanks for that pick-me-up this morning! I miss my family! Good to know they are still goofy!!
Love, Kathy
Seriously, you brought tears to my eyes!
with Pampered Chef tools. :-)
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