After 38 weeks of incubating, our sweet one was born Wednesday, August 5, 2009 at 1:33 p.m. Edith "Edie" Cecelia Trygstad Kerzman was 7 lb, 1 oz and measured 19 1/4 inches at birth. She's already a total sweetheart and we just love her to pieces.
Now, it's Trygkerz tradition that any new addition to the household must stop at the Milestones studio before going home for the first time. So, like the cats, Edie had her studio closeup before heading to our humble Moorhead home.
For all of your up to the date Edie information, head over to our family blog at
trygkerz.blogspot.comThough I'll post photos her over here once in awhile, I'm quite sure the family blog will be over run by Edie Edie Edie.